Sunday, February 14, 2010

We see the cycle of life here in Haiti. A day or so ago, one of our patients died. She wasn't that old, late 50s and had chronic bleeding.
Yesterday we had a woman come in 7 months pregnant. She was bleeding and had dangerously high blood pressure. We couldn't hear the baby's heart beat. She had an emergency C-section, but the baby was already dead. It was a very sad thing, but I was very proud of the work of our whole team: ER doc, surgeon. nurses. Fortunately we have a psychologist here, and she was able to talk extensively with both mom and dad. Mom is doing quite well tonight and will probably go home tomorrow. We gave them a small box to bury the baby in; I probably won't look at a box like that the same way again.
Dr. McGowan said half of all children don't survive to age 6, and that some families don't even name their children until then.
On a happier note, I delivered a baby girl tonight! Mom and baby are quite well!

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