Monday, February 22, 2010

It has been a crazy, whirlwind past several days. Thursday night there were just a few of us here. More people and supplies came over the weekend. We have been incredibly busy with multiple emergency surgeries and many sick patients. We continue to see patients with earthquake related injuries. We also continue to hear very sad stories. I had a patient yesterday and today who was 16, in labor with her first baby for 36 hours. Both of her parents were killed in the earthquake. She is living in a refugee camp. She ended up having an emergency csection.
We had a very sick patient last night for an emergency operation that needed an ICU which we don't have. We kept her in the OR all night because that was the only place we had oxygen and monitors. We had a very badly burned patient who died after 12 hours of emergency care. We had a patient who died from a severe asthma attack today. Tonight we are doing an emergency operation for a severe head injury.

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