Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7

Sunday April 7, 2013
Everyone on our team arrived safely yesterday.  There were a few minor issues with equipment and customs, but everything is ok.  I was able to greet both teams when they arrived at the Sheraton, and that was fun.  Those of us that were here in time had dinner together, and the rest arrived around 9:30 pm.
We had a mix of activities today.  The ENT team went to Black Lion Hospital to do a lecture and practice session with the ENT residents.  The urologists met with one of the local surgeons and saw a few patients with him.  Three of us went to a local Anglican church where we met some other expat medical professionals and had a chance to network.  Some went to the Ethiopian National Museum and others rested.  Most of us went to a coffee place to drink and buy coffee.  Some went to Entoto Mountain which is just on the outskirts of the city and overlooks it.  There are some historic Orthodox churches there and a view of the city.  I had time to go for a swim this afternoon.  We are meeting for dinner in an Italian restaurant in the hotel tonight and we will rest tonight for our day tomorrow.
We have two ENT cases scheduled for the OR tomorrow, and there are orthopedic cases as well.  There are lots of patients scheduled in the clinic tomorrow and a few to be seen at Black Lion.  Our team has 15 people:  4 ENT surgeons, 2 urologists, and OR nurse, medical student, 3 audiology professionals, a nurse practitioner, a nurse anesthetist, our Executive director and me.  Many are from the Philadelphia area, but also Texas, Washington DC and Washington State.

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