Our OR nurse and I and our administrator went to Black Lion Hospital today, the major University public/teaching hospital where we have been before. I went to help teach the nurse anesthetist master’s degree students, and the others went to plan for work later in the week. I had been there less than 30 minutes when I met a pediatric surgeon from El Paso and his wife, an OR nurse. They will be here for two weeks, and have been about six times previously. They lived and worked in Nigeria for 17 years. They didn’t know I was here, and we didn’t know they were here, but it was a good match. I will take care of patients all week with them who have congenital GI disorders who cannot get care here otherwise, in addition to our ENT patients.
Here we are with a family that is grateful for the care that we are able to give their child:

The rest of our team was at Cure hospital visiting and then at the School for the Deaf evaluating children, many of whom have never had a formal ear exam or hearing test. Tomorrow we go to Black Lion for ENT surgery and general surgery and also Cure.

We have met some fascinating people from around the US and the country who are here caring for patients and delivering medical care. The need is tremendous, the obstacles great, but we are very glad we are here.
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